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Food Plot Choices: What To Plant?

November 30th, 2015

Food Plot Choices: What To Plant? Ultimate Land Listings, LLC (Brassica mix — photo above.  Turnips, Rape and kale.  This mix provides a super attractive food plot area for whitetails late fall into winter in the midwest region). Lots of choices here!   Things like alfalfa, brassicas, clover, corn, Milo, rye, soybeans and wheat are…

Enhance your recreational land to help it Say — SOLD!

November 30th, 2015

Enhance your recreational land to help it Say   “What can I do to help me sell my land faster,” you ask? This is a question that comes my way on a regular basis as an Iowa real estate broker specializing in recreational and hunting land sales.  (of course, sellers also want to know that…

Deer Photography!

November 25th, 2015

Ready….Set….Shoot! (Dust off that camera gear and get out there!) The cold wet wind pierced my fleece outer jacket like and stung my face as I moved along, my path coursing right into it. Perfect for still-hunting along this grassy path cut through this over-grown section of woods, I thought. Each foot inched forward, but…

Shhhh……….I’ve got a secret!

November 23rd, 2015

The Best Hunting Blind For Deer in the World!   (As seen at the Iowa and Missouri Deer Classics and Iowa Sportsman’s T.V.!)     Hunt in total seclusion and comfort — even in a rainstorm or blizzard with our….. Odor-Locking and Ultra Effective…….. (Ideal for deer and turkey hunting or photography!) If you can find a…

Timber Stand Improvement

November 21st, 2015

By Rich Waite  So, here you stand.  You’ve got some land.  On it, you’ve got some timber.  And now your thinking, hmmmm, I wonder what I can do to improve this?  I mean you’ve already put in that honey-hole of a food plot on the back “40,” and you’ve hung a couple of stands close…